Shadawn is an action-survival game where players alternate between two distinct worlds: light and shadow. In the world of light, they collect gems while keeping the lights on, which are crucial for unlocking skills. These skills are then used to battle demons in the shadow realm. Each wave brings new challenges and enemies, reflecting the ongoing struggle to maintain one's inner light while confronting darkness. With a blend of strategic gem collection and intense combat, Shadawn offers a unique gameplay experience that symbolizes the fight against internal struggles.

How to Play Shadawn 

Collect Gems in the Light: Navigate the world of light to gather scattered gems while ensuring the lights remain on. Manage the light to avoid obstacles and improve gem visibility. 

Maintain the Light: Keep the lights illuminated to make gem collection easier. If the light dims or goes out, your visibility decreases and collecting gems becomes more challenging. 

Unlock Skills: Use the collected gems to unlock powerful skills in the world of shadows. Combine different gem types to create various skills. 

Battle Demons: Equip and use your unlocked skills to fight against waves of demons in the shadow realm. Survive increasingly difficult waves to progress. 

Strategize: Plan your gem collection and skill usage to handle the growing challenges and enemies effectively. Balancing light management and combat strategy is key to success. 

Dive into Shadawn and master the balance between light and shadow to overcome your internal and external challenges.

For the best experience, play in full screen mode.

Game design document:


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Love the art. I think the combat part of the game has a lot of promise, i like those types of games. I didn't quite understand the card selection system. But there's a lot of potential here! good job! keep making games!

i had a lot of fun playing this game! it's simple and responsive. the powerups were fun as well. i think that a really cool idea would be to try combining both the collection and fighting part of the game.